With all the food and diet advertisements out there nowadays promising "one simple trick" to make you thinner, healthier, or magically regrow your hair, it can be tough to navigate. By learning about which natural ingredients are good for you, and why, you can make choices for yourself on what foods, products, or diets you want to add to your #healthylife regimen. Note, many of the potential health benefits of the ingredients mentioned in this blog post are still being fully evaluated. Always consult a doctor before adding to, or adjusting your regular diet.
Everyone has probably heard the adage of "calories in, calories out" for reducing your weight. Generally, by taking in fewer calories than you expend in a day, you will lose weight. But what about the quality of calories you are intaking? Certain foods and ingredients can offer more nutrition, vitamins, and minerals per calorie compared to other foods. Knowing about some of these unique ingredients can help you better navigate your diet, your wellness journey, or your daily routine.
Take turmeric for example. This brightly colored orange root has been used for centuries as a spice in many cultures. But diving into the science of turmeric reveals this powerful ingredient adds a lot more to your diet than a simple flavor! It contains curcumin, a chemical produced naturally in turmeric which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Studies have shown it may help improve brain function, lower risk of heart disease, and potentially have anti-cancer properties. A true superfood ingredient.
What about matcha? This type of tea has been very popular recently in the United States, but it has been around for much longer in other parts of the world. Dating back to the 12th century, a Japanese Buddhist monk crafted this nutritious tea from ground green tea leaves. Further developing the rich nutrients of the green tea plant, the Zen Buddhist monks began growing the plants in shade which was credited with maximizing the natural nutritional properties like antioxidants and immunity boosters.
Even ancient spices used in cooking and baking like black pepper, ginger root, and cinnamon can help with a healthy regimen or diet.
Black pepper has been consumed by humans for thousands of years. Dating back to ancient times and believed to originate in India, it was highly valued in the ancient world. Now, readily accessible and affordable, black pepper offers several potential health benefits, for example, as a digestive aid. It stimulates the production of digestive enzymes, promoting better digestion and nutrient absorption. It may also help relieve digestive issues like bloating, flatulence, and indigestion.
Ginger root is another popular spice, and herbal remedy, that has been used for centuries for its various health benefits. Ginger contains potent anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerols and shoagols which have shown to inhibit inflammatory processes in the body, and also may help reduce symptoms of inflammatory conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Additionally, ginger has immune-boosting properties and can help strengthen the immune system. Adding this ingredient to your diet could really help improve your overall wellness.
One healthy spice that almost everyone has ingested at some point or another is cinnamon. Evidence of this richly flavored, antioxidant spice dates back over 4000 years to Ancient Egypt and Sri Lanka where it was used as herbal medicine. It was once more valuable than gold! Health-wise, it has been studied for its potential to improve blood sugar control. It may help lower fasting blood sugar levels, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce insulin resistance. Cinnamon may also have benefits for cardiovascular health. It has been shown to reduce several risk factors associated with heart disease, such as high blood pressure and high levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (the "bad" cholesterol), and triglycerides. However, the impact of cinnamon on long-term cardiovascular outcomes is still being investigated.
After discovering all of the natural, health-promoting properties of these ingredients, I wanted to mix them together into a delicious beverage which could be easily enjoyed daily. That is why my cofounders and I made our flagship product a turmeric matcha powdered tea mix, complete with the supporting ingredients of ginger, cinnamon, and black pepper! Give it a try today and see what all the buzz is about.
Sources: FDA.gov, hopkinsmedicine.org, healthline.com